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Leeds 2006 Critique

A good quality entry. I was pleased to find a considerable improvement in rear movement since I last judged 3 years ago.

PD. (3). 1. Poole’s, Canerikie Casablanca at Brockfield. Presented a very good outline in stance. A well grown pup of 9 and a half months with a good head and neat well folded ears. Has a good strong neck, good depth of chest, correct topline with nice arch over the loin, leading to a well angulated rear with low hocks. Possesses a good long thick tail. Went really well going round. Front movement ok but needs to tighten at hocks going away. In good coat and condition. 2. Blackford and Morrissey’s, Lord Seafield of Hartvalley. Slightly smaller in stature than the winner and a very sound moving puppy. Pleasing in head with a nice eye and expression, although his ears are rather flat. Has a good neck and his shoulders well laid. Not the flowing topline nor the dropping quarters of the winner. 3. Hall’s, Canerikie Crocodile Cooler.

JD. (5). 1. Peach’s, Gentom Oliver Twist to Kilbourne. Stood out for type and outline. Has a lovely head and good ears but could have a darker eye. Has a lovely deep body, excellent bone and good wide quarters with hocks well let down. Was well muscled and moved with a very nice free action. 2. Peach’s, Wild West Von Der Oelmuhle. Darker dog of a smaller type with a very nice head and neat folded ears. Has a good strong neck, fair front. Good depth of chest and good topline and rear angulation. Moved truly. 3. Cannon’s, Kilbourne Osbourne.

PGD. (10). 1. Pink’s, Greyhawks Romanie Rom. Pleasing in outline with a good head, neck and shoulders. Has a good front with good depth of chest and good tuck up. Has a correct topline with nice dropping quarters and low hocks. Moved the best in this class and although showing a little weakness at the back, he covered the ground efficiently. 2. Coull’s, Stainlonan Rikki at Regalflight. Very nice for type with a good head and expression. Body was well developed with good ribs. Strong loin and good quarters. Moved well behind but a bit soft in pasterns and untidy in front on the day. 3. Williams’s, Hawk Wind.

LD. (12). 1. Peach’s, Greyflax Myth to Kilbourne. Impressive young dog of good size and type. Has a lovely masculine head, dark eye, very strong arched neck, excellent front and feet. Excellent ribbing and good strong arched loin leading to correct dropping quarters with good width of first and second thigh and low hocks. A powerful free mover who was beautifully presented in superb muscular condition and excellent coat. Looked as if he could do the job he was designed for. CC and BOB. His third I was told. Delighted to see him placed third in the Group. 2. Traynor’s, Kenmilltri Jock. Another I liked for type. Very sound in action and of good size and substance for a male. Has a lovely head and dark eye but his ears could be smaller. Has a good front, good deep body. Lovely topline and quarters. Presented and handled well. RCC. 3. Cartmell and Cartmell’s, Cusidh Collie Hallaig.

OD. (5). 1. Finnett and Harrington’s, Ch. Hyndsight Wind of Chance. Has a lovely outline. Flows from nose to tail. Pleasing in head but could be a shade more masculine. Has a lovely dark eye and super ears. His neck is of good length and he has a good depth of chest and nice rise over the loin. Rather compact in build and I would prefer greater length from hip to hock. Moved with a nice light action. 2. Peach’s, Kilbourne Nimrod. Quite a different type of dog who I found rather plain in head but strong and well constructed in body and who is a true and powerful mover. Has a very good neck and shoulder but was a little flat in topline and heavy over the loin on the day. Well presented in good coat. Fist and second could change places on another day. 3. Francis and Blatchford’s, Wickwar Worcester of Peopleton.

PB. (5). 1. Traynor’s, Canishurn Zena. A promising puppy. The most collected of the three on the move. I liked her head and nice dark eye. Good neck and shoulders and true front. She has a good side gait demonstrating good reach and drive. BP. 2. Mansell and Duddell’s, Canerikie Coco Colada. I really liked this one and thought on first sight she would be the winner on the day, but she was very apprehensive and not co-operating with her handler either standing or moving. A lovely type who when she gains confidence should do really well. 3. Parson and McKinnon’s, Claonaiglen Shira.

JB. (8). 1. Peach’s, Pingleholl Ruby to Kilbourne. A really lovely young bitch oozing good type. Feminine in head with a super neck, topline just right. Good slope of croup and well angulated rear with low hocks. Her movement was light easy and true. Wouldn't change anything about her. Must have a bright future. A strong contender for the top awards. 2. Rhodes’, Gentom Ovation. Another lovely bitch. Very elegant hound with a good head and expression, dark eyes and neat ears. Nicely arched neck, very good deep ribs and strong loin. A little upright in pastern but moved truly with good extension front and rear. 3. Phillips’, Ladygrove Spook.

PGB. (20). 1. Hird’s, Claonaiglen Albyn at Cloweswood. Lovely feminine bitch of excellent type and size. Classic outline. Good head, shoulders well laid with a good return of upper arm setting her elbows correctly. Lovely depth of chest, strong muscled loin and correct drooping quarters and low hocks. An easy though not overly enthusiastic mover in excellent coat. Well handled and presented. RCC. 2. Bailey’s, Greyflax a Kind of Magic JW. An attractive tall elegant bitch who at 2 years still appeared immature by comparison to the winner. Very feminine with a lovely head, excellent front and feet. Good depth of chest and correct rear angles. A sound efficient mover covering the ground with long, low strides. 3. Parsons and McKinnon’s, Claonaiglen Orrin.

LB. (11). 1. Johnson’s, Modhish Lilly Langtree. Beautifully presented bitch with a super head. Good neck, very good shoulders. Nice deep body and good feet and pasterns. Her rear angles complimented her front. Would like just a tad more leg length for ideal proportions. Moved very freely going round covering the ground easily. 2. Bailey’s, Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Very feminine elegant hound as all were from this kennel. Loved her head and general outline. I found her rather narrow all through and felt she could carry more weight to advantage. However she was in good coat and well muscled and moved with a good length of stride and a nice easy action. 3. Foy’s, Glenfoyble Fernitickles.

OB. (8). 1. Finnett and Heathcote’s, Ch. Hyndsight Au Fait. Fully mature bitch of excellent breed type. Carries herself well making the most of her good outline both standing and on the move. In good muscular condition and a very balanced and free mover exhibiting good drive behind. Coat typical but rather lack lustre. CC. 2. Bailey’s, Greyflax Guinevere. A nicely proportioned feminine bitch with lots to like. Very sweet and typical in head. Good topline, excellent wide quarters and low hocks. Not quite the front of the winner which was reflected in her movement. Side gait free with good ground coverage. 3. Phillips’, Kilbourne Grey Ghost of Ladygrove.

A Macdonald


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